SkipAssist™ provides more locates at less cost...
and increase revenue in a changing collection industry.
It is compatible with all collection platforms and will have an immediate
cost-effective impact on the trace process as follows:
A blazing fast research tool
- SmartSearch™ technology generates current & historical information around the debtor record within a second.
- By leveraging SkipAssist to perform 95% of the research, the eye of the skilled user can quickly interpret key information.
- To save time and eliminate keyboarding errors we can optionally integrate your application securely with the SkipAssistâ„¢ online service.
SkipAssist is a force multiplier
- At a time when experienced skip tracers are in short supply against unprecedented delinquent account workloads, it is critical to leverage and optimize the use of their time and focus on what they are good at. There are tools in the SkipAssist process designed to do all of that.
- The SmartSearch™ results are presented in a colour coded format that is easy to understand. All verified results can be tagged, captured on-the-fly and with minimal programming, brought directly into your application.
- Development of the SkipAssist environment and it's tools is steered by experienced skip trace managers.
See next tab on how to get trace results not found anywhere else...
How we provide trace results not available anywhere else
- Trace workflow optimization tools to identify records in trace that have additional information.
- Debtor records can be instantly supplemented with pertinent trace information to optimize the processing of delinquent accounts.
- 95% of the research work processed in a second by powerful servers.
- Summary trace report can be reviewed in a few seconds.
- Additional information is generated by proprietary search algorithms using a year history linkage database. This produces results that could not be recovered with any other tools.
- 50% of the SkipAssist performance is in the optimized system design and 50% is in the researcher understanding the power user concepts. We provide, at no charge, a remote "Power User Tips and Tricks" training course.
- Search engine supports diacritic characters and soundex name matching.
- Bilingual support with on-the-fly language toggle.
See next tab for examples of trace results not found anywhere else...
These examples were selected* to demonstrate the advanced capabilities of the SkipAssist™ search engine.
With a pre-scrub, the data rich results with low-hanging fruit can be prioritized in the trace queue for viewing by the trace team.
* Please note these are public domain records that were randomly selected and are not intended to imply these individuals were in collections.
© Copyright 2002- InfoGrid Systems Inc., All Rights Reserved.
We thank you for your interest in SkipAssist™ and hope these examples have shown how you can quickly get information not found anywhere else.
If you would like to contact us about this product, please click here.
For more information on how SkipAssist works, please view or download the brochure on the next tab...